What Reports Have Changed For the First Quarter In 2021
State and Federal agencies frequently make changes to the reports businesses are required to complete, and 2021 is poised to be a record-setting year. From brand new reports like the California Pay Data Report, changes to the most commonly filed reports like the 941, to the myriad of State form updates, Aatrix’s Forms Division is continually releasing new and updated forms.
Over 30 new or updated forms have been released in 2021. These include Federal and State reports (Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, and Washington).
Report List
- 941/Schedule B/941-V Report: Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return. Use this to report quarterly federal tax information.
- AK TQ01C eFile Report: Alaska Quarterly Contribution Report. Use this to report quarterly unemployment wages and taxes. **USE FOR EFILING ONLY**
- AK TQ01C Report: Alaska Quarterly Contribution Report. Use this to report quarterly unemployment wages and taxes. **USE FOR PAPER FILING ONLY**
- AL A-1 Report: State of Alabama Employer’s Quarterly Return of Income Tax Withheld. Use this to report quarterly state tax withheld.
- AR ESD-ARK-209B Report: Employer’s Quarterly Contribution and Wage Report-Arkansas Department of Workforce Services. Use this to report quarterly unemployment wages and taxes. *USE FOR PAPER FILING ONLY.*
- AR ESD-ARK-209B eFile Report: Employer’s Quarterly Contribution and Wage Report-Arkansas Department of Workforce Services. Use this to eFile quarterly unemployment wages and taxes. *USE FOR EFILING ONLY.*
- AZ A1-QRT Report: Arizona Quarterly Withholding Tax Return. Use this to report quarterly state wages and tax withheld.
- CA_PAY_DATA_FORM: CA employers of 100 or more employees must report pay and hours-worked data by the establishment, job category, sex, race, and ethnicity to the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). This reporting is required under Gov. Code section 12999
- CT_PFML_FORM: Use this Form for Paid Family and Medical Leave reporting and remittance. *THIS REPORT IS EFILE ONLY*
- DE UC-8 Report: State of Delaware Unemployment Insurance. Use this to report quarterly unemployment wages and taxes.
- FL_UCT-6_FORM: Employer’s Quarterly Report. Use this to report quarterly unemployment wages and taxes. * FOR REPORTING 1-9 EMPLOYEES ON PAPER ONLY. This form is not eFilable.
- GA G-7M Report: Quarterly Return for Monthly Filers. Use this to report quarterly state tax withheld. *FOR MONTHLY FILERS ONLY*
- GA G-7Q Report: Quarterly Return for Quarterly Payer. Use this to report quarterly state tax withheld. *FOR QUARTERLY FILERS ONLY.*
- IL IL-941 Report: Illinois Quarterly Withholding Income Tax Return. Use this to report quarterly state wages and income tax withheld, and payments made. *THIS FORM MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY*
- IL UI-3 40 Report: Employer’s Contribution and Wage Report. Use this to report quarterly unemployment wages and taxes.
- ME 941 ME Report: Employer’s Return of Maine Income Tax Withholding. Use this to report quarterly state income tax withheld. **THIS FORM MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY**
- ME UC-1 E Report: Maine Unemployment Contributions Report. Use this to report quarterly unemployment wages and taxes. **USE FOR ELECTRONIC FILING ONLY**
- MI UIA 1028 eFile Report: Employer’s Quarterly Tax Report. Use this to report quarterly unemployment wages and taxes. *This report is EFILE ONLY*
- MO MODES-4-7 Report: Quarterly Contribution and Wage Report. Use this to report quarterly unemployment wages and taxes. *USE FOR PAPER FILING ONLY.*
- MO MODES-4-7 eFiling Report: Quarterly Contribution and Wage Report. Use this to eFile quarterly unemployment wages and taxes. *USE FOR EFILING ONLY.*
- MT UI-5 Report: Employer’s Unemployment Insurance Quarterly Wage Report. Use this to report quarterly unemployment wages and taxes.
- NE 941N Report: Nebraska Withholding Return. Use this to report state withholding wages and tax.
New Jersey
- NJ NJ-927-W Report: Employer’s Quarterly Report. WEEKLY Payers use this to report quarterly unemployment and withholding wages and taxes. **This form is eFile only.**
- NJ NJ-927 Report: Employer’s Quarterly Report. QUARTERLY/MONTHLY Payers use this to report quarterly unemployment and withholding wages and taxes. **This form is eFile only.**
New Mexico
- NM ES-903A Report: Employer’s Quarterly Wage and Contribution Report. Combined Filing for Income Tax Withholding and Unemployment Contributions. *THIS FORM MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY*
- NV NUCS-4072 Report: Employer’s Quarterly Contribution and Wage Report. Use this to report quarterly unemployment wages and taxes. *THIS FORM MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY*
New York
- NY MTA-305 Report: Use this form to make MCTMT tax payments. Filing frequency is QUARTERLY.
- OK OES-3 Report: Employer’s Quarterly Contribution Report. Use this to report quarterly unemployment wages and taxes. ***EFILE ONLY***
- OR OR-STT-1/2 Form: Quarterly Statewide Transit Tax Report. Use this to report statewide transit taxes.
Rhode Island
- RI 941 Report: Rhode Island Quarterly Reconciliation of Withholding. Use this form to report quarterly state wages and tax withheld.
- RI TX-17 Report: Quarterly Tax and Wage Report. Use this to report quarterly unemployment ES, JDF, & TDI wages and taxes. **THIS FORM MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY FOR EMPLOYERS WITH 25 OR MORE EMPLOYEES**
- UT UI 33H OOS eFile Form: Employer’s Contribution Report. Use this to report quarterly unemployment wages and taxes. Use this report to file out-of-state wages. *THIS REPORT MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY*
- VT C-101 Report: Employer’s Quarterly Wage and Contribution Report. Use this to report quarterly unemployment wages and taxes. *THIS REPORT MUST BE FILED ELECTRONICALLY*