Electronic filing of payroll reports and payments is no longer a trend, it is a business essential. Virtually all federal and state agencies are moving to 100% electronic communication. Unfortunately, agencies are not working together towards a single file format, process, or management system to facilitate the move to 100% electronic communications. Businesses are faced with different processes, file formats, multiple id numbers, login credentials, and regulations.
Aatrix offers Electronic Payroll Reporting and Payments forms as well as eFiling of these reports and payments to 200 Federal, State and local agencies. Aatrix supports over 1800 electronic forms that are created/maintained to exacting government standards. Most forms must be created with a 1 pixel tolerance to gain Gov’t approval. The data is automatically filled in from the host payroll data. The user has a familiar government form interface to review or edit the data reported to the Gov’t agency. The Aatrix Single Point eFile Center simplifies eFiling by eliminating filing data on multiple websites, with multiple logins, multiple file formats and multiple confirmation procedures.
Steve Lunseth, President & CEO of Aatrix, has a degree in Manufacturing Technology and a minor in Sales from the University of Wisconsin-Stout. The logical skills and training acquired for his Industrial Technology degree focused Steve on efficiency. Steve started his career creating an advertising agency. Programmers were hired to create media buying, pagination and financial software to improve efficiency. Aatrix, was created to offer this software to the public.
Now concentrating on Electronic Payroll Reporting, Steve has lead the company in creating tools to replace manual operations. These efficient tools allow Aatrix to rapidly create and maintain Electronic Payroll Forms and deploy an efficient Single Point eFile Center concentrating on volume filing of Payroll Reporting and Payments. The Aatrix technologies were issued multiple patents.

Aatrix’s Comprehensive Solutions
Aatrix initial growth was slowed by lack of capital. The company grew, but when funds were lacking, Aatrix had to scale back. They never quit, even when they were down to 3 employees. Today, Aatrix has 55 staff. Aatrix created a number of different software solutions that didn’t take off. They kept going until they found a solution that the marketplace desperately needed.
Focusing a top priority on customer service, Aatrix prefers to maintain control of all their services (support, programming, sales) to ensure the best possible customer experience. Focused on ease of use, the company strives to have the best possible user experience. “Software functionality is important, but equal consideration is given to ensure that even the most novice user can operate Aatrix’s solutions,” says Steve.
The Aatrix Electronic Forms and eFiling services allow Aatrix’s 335,000 active users to improve efficiency by up to 1000% over manual entry of data. As per survey, 97% of the Aatrix users would recommend the Aatrix solution for others.
Aatrix continues to expand the products and services they provide. The advent of the paperless office continues to open opportunities. Government agencies are moving toward 100% electronic communication, reporting, and payment at every level. With their patented technology Aatrix has a significant advantage in the ability to bring new products to the marketplace quickly to meet the expanding needs of businesses in the US and Canada.